How to Play Ping Pong – The Playing Beginners Guide


Ping pong is also known as table tennis. It is a game of two-player and four players. This game takes place on a hard table which is divided by a net. The table is known as a ping pong table and there are many brands in the market that are manufacturing the ping pong table with all of the brilliant features. This amazing game is wrapped up with two rackets and a lightweight small ball that have the power to change our mood completely. It gives us relief from our daily and hectic work routine.

People find peace while playing this game with their friends and family. This amazing game has the power which can suddenly change our mood and give our mind and body some relaxation. People play this game as a matter of exercise also. This game has many physical benefits but these benefits are taken by the people who understand the game in an accurate way. For this game, there are many rules to be noticed. You get to know the real knowledge about this game and then go for it.

Fun Game

Ping pong is a sport for life. People love this game and enjoy it with their loved ones. The real fun of this game is its simplicity, and you find it an accessible sport when you have the complete equipment. Anyone from us can join this game and continue it throughout his life.

This game develops a good amount of alertness and coordination. You can forget your worries and problems just by having great and quality time playing this amazing game. It is known as a paradise of fun and enjoyment with your friends and family.


Ping pong was introduced in England in the starting days of the 20th century. It was given a trade name ping pong. Later on, the name table tennis was adopted in 1921-1922. It was granted Olympic sport status in 1988. Afterward, the categories were divided into men’s singles, women’s singles, and team doubles. The first association was broken up in 1905 but this game was continued playing in different parts of England outside London.

Later on in 1920, it was played in different countries. This game was led by the different representatives of Germany, England, and Hungary. International Table Tennis Federation was founded in 1926 and the founding members of this federation were England, Sweden, India, Denmark, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Wales. The first world ping pong championships were held in London in 1926.

Why it is called Ping Pong?

Ping pong was the alternate name of table tennis. It was known as the trade name of this game. This name was used in England and later on in the US. This name became popular by the market leader English sports company John Jaques & Son.

General Overview

  • Ping pong is also known as a table tennis game
  • It can be a game of two-player and four players.
  • This game takes place on a hard table which is divided by a net.
  • The game is wrapped up with two rackets and a lightweight small ball that have the power to change our mood completely.
  • This game was led by the different representatives of Germany, England, and Hungary.
  • You can become a good player but first, you need a partner. You have to choose a person who is about your skill or a little bit better
  • Your ping pong table should be 74 meters (9.0 ft) long, 1.525 meters (5.0 ft) wide, and 0.76 meters (2.5 ft) high.
  • The ping pong paddles do not come with any regulation size.
  • The best paddles come in red and black color
  • Different styles of gripping the paddle are known as pen grip (pen hold) and the shake hand grip.
  • If you want to know how to grip the paddle then the first thing to get noticed is you should hold it loosely to allow your wrist to move it freely
  • According to International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) rules, you have to decide first that who starts the game.
  • You can make this decision by flipping a coin or drawing straws or anything like that.
  • After deciding who is serving first than the ball should be tossed with your free hand vertically a minimum of 16 cm (6 in).
  • Then hit the ball with the paddle so that it first hits the side of the table and then goes over the net and hits your opponent’s side
  • In competition, we play the game as best of 5 in this you have to win the first 3 games. In best of 7, you have to win 4 games. You can also play social games as best of 3. In this, you have to win at least 2 games.
  • A point is awarded not for a let but for each rally and either opponent person can score a point regardless of who served
  • In the ping pong game, many of us like to play to 21 or 15, which is good for recreational play
  • If the players or teams are tied at 10-10 or 20-20 then in this case the normal order of service proceeds, but the serve will be performed after every point instead of after every two points
  • A ping pong racket must be one side black, one side of any other color
  • The officially approved ball is made of plastic and is the 40mm
  • Dimensions of an approved table tennis table are: 9ft long, 5ft wide, 2.5ft high
  • The approved height of a table tennis net is 6 inches

 Common Beginner Mistakes

  • Some people have the inability to clear the net
  • Holding the paddle too tightly
  • Standing with the right leg forward condition
  • Standing very close to the table
  • Massive flow with forehand strokes
  • Hitting the ball too hard

How to play Ping Pong?

There are different steps that you need to follow while playing ping pong. Some of the important points we have highlighted below in a detailed way.

Find a Partner

The first thing you should notice before playing this amazing name is you need a partner. You have to choose a person who is about your skill or a little bit better. You should not choose a person who is aggressively competitive. This way you will have fun while playing ping pong and learning it. There are two types of games first one is one-on-one and the other one doubles in which you have to play with two teams two.

You have to select the person who has regulation ping pong balls, paddles, and a good ping pong table. The important thing is hand-eye coordination which is more on par with a three-legged, blind dog, you can start practicing against a wall and getting familiar with how the ball and paddle work together. According to the records, it is the best replacement for a table. You can play practice with celluloid or plastic balls that are orange or white and 40 mm in size and measurements.

Along with this, your ping pong table should be  2.74 meters (9.0 ft) long, 1.525 meters (5.0 ft) wide, and 0.76 meters (2.5 ft) high. The ping pong paddles do not come with any regulation size. If you use small paddles then it is really hard to use and the bigger ones have a lot of weight and are difficult to carry along within the game. The main thing to notice about the ping pong paddles is that they must be made with wood and rubber. The best paddles which are in competition comes in two colors red and black.

Grip To The Paddle

You get two different styles of gripping the paddle is known as pen grip (pen hold) and the shake hand grip. If you want to know how to grip the paddle then the first thing to get noticed is you should hold it loosely to allow your wrist to move it freely. For good taste, you can ask your friend to pull the paddle out of your hands while holding it. The force needed for the paddle comes from your arm, not from your wrist.

This grip is really not rocket science to know it is really an easy task. In the shake hand grip, you have to place your hand on the paddle’s handle just like you are shaking hands with the paddle. Later you have to wrap your fingers loosely around it. The main difference in this grip is that it will make you feel natural.

Grip To The Paddle

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Who Serve First

In the light of official International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) rules, you have to decide first that who starts the game. You can make this decision by flipping a coin or drawing straws or anything like that. The winner will choose to serve or receive. Later on, the opposite person or the team will choose which side of the table will play on.

In most recreational ping pong games the first person which chose to serve stands behind the table and puts the ball in their left or right hand. Later, they ask the opponent to guess in which hand the ball is and if their answer is correct then they get to serve first.

Serve The Ball

After deciding who is serving first than the ball should be tossed with your free hand vertically a minimum of 16 cm (6 in). Then hit the ball with the paddle so that it first hits the side of the table and then goes over the net and hits your opponent’s side. If you are playing a single game, the server will serve to any point on the opponent’s side and then the opponent will return it.

If you are playing doubles, then in this game the serve is rotated between you and your partner but starting with the person on the right side. The main thing to notice is the ball must bounce first in the right half of your side of the table and then it should be delivered cross-court to your opponent’s side.

After this, the serve switches sides every two points. When the two points have been awarded then your opponent or in doubles the person on the opposing team who is crosscourt from the server. Two more points are awarded than the original server or in doubles, his partner then serves. When the ball hits the net on an otherwise it is a legal serve, the serve is called a “let,” and this serve is repeated with no points scored.

In many recreational players award the point to the player opposite of the server after 2 consecutive lets.  There is no limit to the number of lets that can be served in table tennis.

Many recreational players play like that on game point the person that is losing is to be the server, in actuality service continues to alternate every two serves as usual until the game ends or a deuce score of 10-10 is reached. This is the main game point or match point. In this game, it is possible to lose on your opponent’s serve or due to a service error resulting in a fault on your serve.

Serve The Ball

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Return The Ball

After this, the next important point is to serve or return the ball. The ball must be returned to the opposite person over or around the net at any point on the opponent’s side of the table. It should be returned after it bounces once on your side, but before it bounces twice or hits the floor or any object off the table. If you find that the ball hits the net on a return but proceeds to go over the net and then hits your opponent’s side then you can still play because the ball is still in play and your opponent has to return it.

Score Points

A point is awarded not for a let but for each rally and either opponent person can score a point regardless of who served. Here’s the detailed list of it:

  • If your playing service goes into the net, goes off the table without hitting the opponent’s side, or (in doubles) hits the wrong half of the opponent’s side, the receiving opponent or team scores a point.
  • If you do not go for a legal return (as described above — the ball goes into the net or doesn’t hit your opponent’s side of the table) a point is awarded to your opponent.
  • You receive a legal serve or return and hit the ball more than once with your paddle or touch the ball with your body, than this way point is awarded to your opponent. Note that if your opponent’s serve or return doesn’t hit your side of the table, you still get the point even if the ball hits you or you catch it after it passes the end of the table.
  • If you touch the table with your free hand or move the table, your opponent scores a point.

Win The Game

In the ping pong game, many of us like to play to 21 or 15, which is good for recreational play. The official rule for ping pong winning is, however, state play is to 11 points. For the winning title, one must be ahead by two points. If the players or teams are tied at 10-10 or 20-20 then in this case the normal order of service proceeds, but the serve will be performed after every point instead of after every two points

Rules of Ping Pong Game


  • The ping pong game whether it is played as single or doubled it should be scored to 11 points
  • Players should always serve two serves each.
  • A player will not win specifically off their own services to get a point
  • If you face that the game is tied at 10-10 then a player must take to more points to win. In this case, players will serve each of the serve alternating.
  • In competition, we play the game as best of 5 in this you have to win the first 3 games. Best of 7, you have to win 4 games. You can also play social games as best of 3. In this, you have to win at least 2 games.

Legal Serve

  • The ball must be throw up straight with a flat palm, at least 6 inches (16cm)
  • – The toss and service contact must be done behind the table surface, not over the table surface
  • – You can not hide the ball before the ball toss to contact with the help of any part of your body
  • – If the situation occurs that the ball hits the net during service, it is considered to be a let. The point is replayed and there are no point deductions for let serves

Basic Equipment Rules

  • A ping pong racket must be one side black, one side of any other color
  • The officially approved ball is made of plastic and is the 40mm
  • Dimensions of an approved table tennis table are: 9ft long, 5ft wide, 2.5ft high
  • The approved height of a table tennis net is 6 inches

Ping pong Equipment

A simple ping pong game is played with a table, paddle, and ball but there are many different accessories in the market that are available to give you a good game. The different accessories will enhance the different aspects and the features of the sport. When you buy cases or covers for the paddles and rubbers then it protects their strength and longevity.

For easy transportation purposes, you can buy bags, bottles, and clothing for the ping pong game. Glues and boosters are applied that will give more boost to the paddles and a good rotation to the ball.

Moreover, if you look for further ping pong equipment there are ping pong robots available in the market that will eliminate the need for another person to practice the game. Ping pong equipment has a wide range that comes with different qualities and prices. For sure you know that the quality goes better according to the prices.


The perfect ball used for the ping pong must have a diameter of 40 millimeters and weigh 2.7 grams. You will find many different balls that are sold as ping pong balls. you must consider the diameter and weight of the ping pong ball before buying one for your game. Ping pong balls are made with an amazing plastic-like material name celluloid. A good amount of air is trapped in the ball that allows it to strike while hitting a paddle or table. This lightweight ping pong can be struck with different types of rubbers and wrist actions that will give you amazing spin rates. When you get the fast spin you will get the best curve that will strike the receiver’s players half of the table. A good pack of ping pong balls can be purchased for under $10.


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Ping pong boosters are the alternative for the ping pong glue which enhances the speed and strength of the paddles. This booster is applied under the rubber which makes up the hitting area of the paddle. When this booster is applied it gives a good sponge-like effect which makes the rubber of the paddle more elastic. Table tennis boosters are not officially approved by ITTF. In case of this, you can buy a pre tunned paddle. Ping pong booster will cost up to $10 to $15.

Nets and Posts

Net is the most important equipment of ping pong game because without this equipment the game is incomplete. The net is stretched along the width of the table and extended six inches over each side with the post to the next end. This net is made with nylon material and measures 6 inches from the top and down to the table. Ping pong net is attached to the table with the help of an extendable clip or a washer. You can also attach it with a bolt that can be adjusted. This will make the net more secure to the table and it cost between $10 to $20.

Nets and Posts

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Paddle Cases

There are two types of paddle cases available in the market that improves the longevity of the paddle. Most of us use oblong shape case which mirrors the shape of the paddle itself. Its inside layer is made with a form layer that protects the paddle from chipping and its rubber from peeling. Moreover, this case also protects it from sunlight and other weather effects. A more rectangular shape case will protect your number of paddles and different equipment. The paddle case ranges from $10 to $ 30.

Paddle Cases

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Glue is the alternative for the ping pong boosters which enhances the speed and strength of the paddles. This booster is applied under the rubber which makes up the hitting area of the paddle. When this booster is applied it gives a good sponge-like effect which makes the rubber of the paddle more elastic. Ping pong glue is not officially approved by ITTF. In case of this, you can buy a pre tunned paddle. Ping pong glue will cost up to $10 to $15.


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Penhold Paddles

The pen hold grip is the most popular grip in the ping pong game. This is the reason the pen hold paddles are most famous in the market. It gives us a grip like we hold a pen in our hand. This means that the thumb and the index fingers wrap around the handle and the other fingers rest on the opposite side in the most comfortable way. Pen hold paddles have a short handle than the other paddles available in the market. There are three types of pen hold grip Chinese, Korean and reverse backhand. All type of pen hold handles gives the best finger grip to the player. You can find the pen hold paddles in the range of $25 to $75.

Penhold Paddles

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Rubber Covers

Ping pong rubber covers are used to seal and cover the rubber of the paddle. It protects it and makes it long-lasting. These are similar to paddle cases but these cases protect the rubber of the paddle. These covers are used to protect the rubbers from natural elements like heat, dust, sunlight, and many others. The ping pong rubber covers are available at a cheap price of $5.

Rubber Covers

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Shakehand Paddles

When you start playing ping pong you get the complete notice that there are different styles of plays. Some players play with an offensive mindset and on the other side the defensive side. Some of the players refer to use speed when striking the ball and on the other side some of them use looping strikes using a lot of spins. The style is the main factor of the style you choose to play the game.  The shake hand grip makes you feel like you are shaking hands. Your fingers are wrap around the handle and the thumb is raised on the rubber. To get the shake hand grip you need a shake hand paddle.  These paddles are sold in the range of $10 to $ 50.

Ping Pong Paddle Material

The ping pong paddle must be made of 85% of wood. You can also include some carbon fiber in its design. Both of the sides of the paddles are covered with a rubber surface. This rubber comes with different rubber patterns. When the rubber surface has more pieces of rubber than it is known as pips. These Pips are varied in length. The longer pips will give you more spin. Depending on the quality the ping pong paddles comes in the range depends according to the quality. it starts from $10 to $100.

Ping Pong Table

Pingpong tables are 2.5 feet above the ground. Ite beast measurement of the ping pong table is 9 feet long and 5 feet wide. This table is made from a variety of materials and different brands in the market are introducing it with different materials. There are two types of ping pong tables indoor and outdoor. The indoor ping pong table is made with more best material than outdoor tables. They have the same dimensions but differ in qualities and specifications. Outdoor tables have more specifications than an indoor table that’s why they are much expensive.

We have discussed all of the essential equipment used in the ping pong game. Other ones which are optional are the water bottles, Ping pong game shirts, shorts, shoes, and bags.

Four Basic Ping Pong shots

There are four basic ping pong shots:

  • Forehand Drive
  • Backhand Drive
  • Forehand Push
  • Backhand Push

Forehand Drive

Forehand drive (counter) is the basic stroke that the players have to learn. When your opponent gives you a  deep and high ball then you have to use this stroke.  This stroke helps you to prevent an aggressive shot from your competitor. Your ball should be land very close to the baseline and sideline of your opponents. Now the next thing to be noticed is the position that you need for this stroke.

Your body should be close to the table and your right foot should be away from the table. You should put most of the weight of your body on the balls of your feet and then bend your knees slightly. This will give you a faster move.  Then before making a strike to the ball,

you need a backswing that gives you the strength needed to make a strong, aggressive stroke. After that turn your body to the right and shift the weight to your hind legs. Afterward, you have to rotate your body in the opposite direction and shift your weight to your forelegs. Slightly close your pad and then hit the ball at the peak which gives it a good bounce.

If you hit the ball then you must try to accelerate the stroke. It will help you to get some best topspin. Once you have hit the ball you just have to continue the movement of the stroke and complete the forehand drive by pointing at your pad but your pad should be closer to the table.

Backhand Drive

This stroke should be done in the same position as the forehead drive, but in this strike, the ball hits your back. If your opponent gives you a deep shot of the ball. This stroke helps you to prevent some attacking shots. In this stroke, you should always try to keep the ball close to your opponent’s baseline and sideline.

Then you have to start facing the table with the rider on the back. Your paddle should move slightly forward and upward direction. Keep your wrists free to help the ball spin and move. The ball should hit the peak of the bounce and this stroke is ends with your arm pointing in the direction of the ping pong ball.

Forhand Push

This stroke is normally used for short spins. It is used to stop your opponent from making an attacking shot. It is just like the forehand drive, you just have to put your feet and body in the right position. The body position is similar to the forehand drive and the main point is to get your feet into the right position. The main difference between the forehand drive and this push is that your paddle should be open and it should be around 45%.

This way your paddle will travel under the ball. You have to start doing a backswing and when the ball hits the surface then you have to move the body backward. It is also known as a subtler stroke. In this stroke, you have to brush the ball not hit it. In this case, your elbow should remain open as you continue this stroke. You should finish it with your paddle in front of your body.

Backhand Push

This stroke is normally used for short balls. It is also used to stop your opponent from making an attacking shot. You have to stand close to the end line facing the table. Your paddle should be open and it should be 45% open. You have to use a short stroke and move your arm forward and down from the elbow. You have to make sure you “brush” the ball with a swift move and when the ball is at its peak or slightly earlier.

Finish the game in front of you and down with the table. This stroke needs a lot of good practice. Nothing is perfect without practice. When you will practice this stroke you will get used to it. For sure this stroke will help you to earn more points in the ping pong game.

Ping Pong Tricks

Mix up the Serve

You have to mix up the serves with different lengths and spins. Some examples of good and advance serve to include medium-long, deep, short, down-the-line, pure spin, pure speed, and many more like these. You have to serve to the elbow tend to be very effective and fast. You have to choose the best stroke whether it is a forehand or backhand.

Third-Ball Attack

You have to develop a third ball attack in this you have to serve and the receiver will receive. You will nail up one for the winner. Here is an example of a backspin serve that is followed by a long push and then a powerful loop.

Attack Whenever You Can

You can attack whenever you want and you just have to focus on a long serve. The players who serve the long shots usually win the game.

Keep Your Eye

You have to keep your eye open on the opponent’s paddle. In the former World Champion Jan-Ove Waldner play, you can see visibility that he makes a quick look at how high the ball is tossed then he watches back down to the racket. If you keep your eyes on the ball, it will help you that the server will baffle you with his deceptions.

Choose Your Equipment Wisely

Being a beginner you should choose the right ping pong equipment. You must choose the medium-fast blade rather than choosing the fast one. A medium-fast blade will allow you to get more techniques for winning the game.

You also get the best optimum control with this and it is the most important consideration as a beginner. Select the beginner’s rubbers because they will give you less spin and less speed. You will get easier turns and spinny balls. If you use a spinny rubber you will get a sidespin to serve.

Control Your Temper

When you are losing in a match or you have missed several shots then many of us lose our temper. This is the main thing on which we should all have a deep consideration. We should never lose our temper in the game because the opponent player will take advantage of it. Just try your level best to give the best serve and make things smoother in the game. The main point is never to give up even when the game is not in your goal.


What are Protocols of Playing Ping Pong?

  • The net and post set should be set in the correct way to get a good ping pong gaming experience.
  • Practice makes a man perfect. You have to practice more and more to become a good ping pong player.
  • Nothing is better than being an honest sportsman. You should show your sportsmanship and be honest with your every serves. Don’t cheat
  • You should shake hands with the opponent after the game is over without having any grudges
  • According to the ITTF rule, you should do a service toss
  • Both of the players must obey the rules of the games

 Which One Is The Best Paddle For Beginners?

The pen hold paddle is the best choice for beginners. The pen hold grip is the most popular grip in the ping pong game. This is the reason the pen hold paddles are most famous in the market. It gives us a grip like we hold a pen in our hand. This means that the thumb and the index fingers wrap around the handle and the other fingers rest on the opposite side in the most comfortable way. Pen hold paddles have a short handle than the other paddles available in the market.

What are the Main Points to Consider as a Beginner?

  • The paddle is the most important piece of equipment in the ping pong game. You must choose a decent paddle that gives you a good spin of ping pong.
  • You have to give a good grip to the paddle to win the game and score
  • Above we have given a complete detail on it. This will help you to know everything about the serve.
  • You must have a deep analysis of the forehand drive, backhand drive, forehand push, and backhand push.
  • You must warm up your body in a good way before starting the game
  • A player must be consistent in the game
  • Become a good solo play first rather than starting the game with an opponent
  • When you buy a ping pong robot it helps you a lot in playing the game as a beginner
  • As a beginner, you have to focus on the low and deep returns
  • A new player must join a ping pong table club to practice the game on a good note
  • You have to improve your footwork to become a good player
  • The most important point that you should notice is that you should know your opponent’s weaknesses
  • You have to deceive your opponent to win the game

What are The Mistakes Made By Beginners?

  • Beginners hold the paddle too tightly
  • Standing too close to the table is the most common mistake
  • Standing in the wrong position with right leg forward
  • Beginners through Massive follow for forehand strokes
  • Moving towards the balls
  • Hitting the ball too hard
  • Choosing the wrong ping pong equipment
  • Lack of solo practice

Final Words

This amazing game is played with two rackets and a lightweight small ball that have the power to change our mood completely. It gives us relief from our daily and hectic work routine. People find peace while playing this game with their friends and family. This amazing game has the power which can suddenly change our mood and give our mind and body some relaxation. People play this game as a matter of exercise also.

This game has many physical benefits but these benefits are taken by the people who understand the game in an accurate way. For this game, there are many rules to be noticed. You get to know the real knowledge about this game and then go for it. We have There is a lot of things and rules to be learned before starting the ping pong game. We have given you a complete guide on this game that will surely help you to become a good ping pong player. The tips that we have highlighted in this guide will help you to become a good ping pong player.

If you implement some of our advice then it will transform you into a good player. You will learn quickly when you go through this buying guide in a good way. You will make fewer mistakes in the ping pong game if you become a good solo player. Everything is discussed clearly in this guide we have mentioned each and everything in a good way. You will be a good player when you follow the rules of the game.

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