Best Ping Pong Robots Review Guide

What Is Ping Pong Robot?

If you know that you have abilities in ping pong and you have a tremendous interest in the game, you may have effectively purchased your table tennis rackets, balls, and surprisingly a table. You realize that rehearsing makes awesome, however not all individuals are elect with trained players or experts with similar timetables, objectives, and assurance as you. However taking notes can replace a purposeful expert, Best Ping Pong Robots can assist you with cleaning and enhancing your abilities.

A ping pong robot is a machine that is customized to toss balls towards a decent net inverse at a precise speed. It tosses at spans, and can be set distinctively to have the option to toss balls at topspin, reverse-pivot, left sidespin, right sidespin, or any way. It is programmable to assist it with working as a genuine mentor. Also, it doesn’t get drained, doesn’t say anything negative, and doesn’t take a lot of room.

What a Pleasant Practice Accomplice, Right?

Practice makes it better, as it does for many hobbies. This is the same in ping pong machine, yet tracking down a reliable method to practice can be demanding. Playing against a wall won’t work on your capacity to react to shots. It’s additionally hard to track down a training accomplice on whom you can count for dependable play or shots. The ping pong robots are responsive to this problem.

From Where You Can Buy Ping Pong Robots?

You can buy ping pong robots from online stores. The products are distributed all around the world. You can get it from following online sites. These sites provide you the world’s best table tennis robots.

  1. craigslist ping pong robot
  2. ebay table tennis robot
  3. robot ping pong amazon


Best 7 Ping Pong Robots:

  1. Butterfly Amicus
  2. Paddle Palace Robot S2W
  3. Newgy Robo-Pong 2055
  4. Ipong Table Tennis Training Robot
  5. ZXMOTO Robot
  6.  Newgy Robo-Pong 1040+ Table Tennis Robots
  7. Power Pong 2001 Robot

1: Butterfly Amicus Professional Table Tennis Robot:

The Butterfly Amicus Prime ping pong Robot is jammed with all the robot capacities you can concerning in a ping pong machine. It has three separate dispatch wheels that permit the robot to create any sort and measure of twist in a similar drill. This Amicus prime table tennis robot can do topspin, side twist, no twist, reverse-pivot, and any mix in the middle.

Likewise, the twist isn’t associated with the speed. You can change the ball spans with individual frequency control (IFC) include. Amicus table tennis robot has a cycle mode that permits you to have breaks and stops while preparing with the robot.

One more incredible thing about butterfly amicus table tennis robot is that it’s a ball reusing framework, so you can continue preparing without expecting to get balls and replace the robot. We set up a butterfly amicus robot on the table and the bars holding the net on both sides about halfway.

Then turns the table mount towards you and fix it on the table. Butterfly Amicus robot is without a doubt the most advanced robot available.

The butterfly amicus prime table tennis robot unlike the other robots has three different lounge wheels that allow to generating any kind of spin and any amount of spin in the same drill, back-spin, top-spin, side-spin, no spin, and variation in between. It is the best ping pong ball return machine.

Butterfly Amicus

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Also, comes in twenty-one pre-programmed exercises to get you started right away. You can store up to 99 exercises in your memory, which should be enough even for experienced players. There are up to 8 stages in each drill in amicus ping pong robot, you should use them or demote to help in model match condition. This table tennis machine shoots the ball from the drill in a 20 cm radius randomly. It comes with a best ping pong ball machine.


  • Up to 6 balls for each drill, all balls with the same twist, speed, and direction
  • Incorporates Transport pack.
  • Warranty of 2 years with 5- year parts accessibility
  • Ball repetition of up to 100 balls each moment
  • Start, stop, or change ball recurrence with the included key like a remote switch (little, lightweight, and simple to fit in pocket)
  • Programming and firmware are consistently refreshed with the assistance of the application. A few robots might be worked by one gadget.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” heading_pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” heading_cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” ][i2pros]Potential shots and activities with the capacity to randomize and change them
The application can be utilized on the tablet or your gadget.
Planned activities and video exhibit how best to work on your game
[/i2pros][i2cons]Robot depends on the application (and Bluetooth association) with work; if there are issues with the gadget and application, the robot can’t be utilized.
Not easy to set up and bring down.

2: LCD Touch Screen Paddle Palace Robot S2W Table Tennis:

Paddle Palace S2W robots have the ability identical to butterfly amicus but with a very different architecture. is one of the most sophisticated robots around. It comes with a touch screen remote that can be programmed to fire the ball at any spin and any order on 22 parts of the service.

The architecture is the key point where different from the butterfly amicus and set up in a different way because it is a standing robot. All you have to do is to connect the net and you are ready to play and practice.

Because of the mechanical appearance, it’s quite cutting-edge contrasted with other ping pong robots. Paddle Palace H2W robot is intended to refine your practice routine to the best detail, so it’s not prudent for the fresher players.

It accompanies a touchscreen far off that permits you to change and switch up 30 pre-modified activities, just as control the robot on 22 unique spots on the table with any twist and any request. This robot is likewise a ball reusing framework that permits the net to catch the balls and pipe them back to the robot.

Paddle Palace Robot S2W

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You can set schedules, in any event, switching back and forth among back and top twists between each shot, then, at that point whenever you’ve rehearsed enough, set it on arbitrary mode. This table tennis ball machine has unique features.


  • This sophisticated ping pong robot comes with an LCD touch screen for simple programming.
  • Incredible adaptability in setting spin and landing spots for altered schedules.
  • Ball recycling and net assortment framework
  • Simple set up rolls from table
  • Incorporate paddle palace guarantee and service
  • Spin indicator

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” heading_pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” heading_cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” ][i2pros]30 preprogrammed sets of landing arrangements.
Simple set up and rolls from a table for advantageous capacity.
Short and long balls, solid and lighter balls, and high and low balls can be joined in one preparing arrangement.
S2W is equipped with a ball re-cycling method that allows the net to catch balls and then send them back to the player.
Custom setting can be complex in case you are not progressing.
It becomes difficult to shift

3: Spic And Span Programming Newgy Robo-Pong 2055 Table Tennis:

Best offering Newgy Robo-Pong 2050+ to ensure the difference between these two robots, different spin modes cannot be fired on the same drill. Newgy offers Robo-Pong 2050+, to sum up, the difference between the two robots is that impossible to fire within the same box.

Table tennis Newgy robot  upgraded to manage more than 40 balls and comes with 48. You start with 40+ balls to lounge immediately.

It is a digital robot that makes it programmable to do what you want and with a useful practical companion. You can post the exercises online and download new ones from the community. You can even adjust the ball speed you need on Newgy ping pong robot.

It has also one of the best industries re-cycling systems. One of them is a loser to collects all the momentum from the ball to avoid rebounding back at the table. It consists of two different nets, it works very well and enhances the preparation since you can concentrate on one ball simultaneously. It is also known as robo pong Canada as shipped from Canada.

Newgy Robo-Pong 2055

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It’s an update from the past model of the Robo-Pong 2050+ robot that has spic and span gadgets and programming. It accompanies 64 pre-customized drills for quite a long time capacities to means you can get rehearsing when you remove the robot regardless of your expertise level of play. It doesn’t have a huge Newgy ping pong ball limits as it reuses them.


  • Huge loads of choices for various spins including topspin, reverse-pivot, left sidespin, and right sidespin just as mix turns
  • Many shot choices including push, slash, serve, counter, quick circle
  • Should fit all standard table tennis tables and is not difficult to set up, use, bring down, store and transport
  • Computerized controls for ball speed
  • Randomization controls

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” heading_pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” heading_cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” ][i2pros]64 pre-modified drills
Recycling net system with side nets
Having 2 paddles for free and 48 balls[/i2pros][i2cons]Guarantee of one year
It cannot have any downsides except that it cannot turn spin midtrial, the ball spin in speed since it only has one head.


4: Ipong V300 Table Tennis Training Robot With Adjustable Ball Speed:

This Ipong table tennis training robot is the cheapest robot and it is the only robot you can buy for less than $200. Table tennis training robot is both top-spin and rare-spin. Ipong v300 table tennis robot is extremely convenient and comes with a handy remote wireless system. The robots come out of a box in three parts that blend well together. The transport is very light for multiple uses, with this robot the remote would adjust the ball speed, the form of spin and turn on, and adjust the speed of vacillation.

Ipong Table Tennis Training Robot

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In this mode, the robot shoots balls on each side of the table and forces the peak to loop so that the training session can be more practical. Newgy robo-pong can hold up to one hundred balls and has a pace of ninety balls per minute. You are going to set this best ping pong training robot low or even 60 balls a minute or very fast. Another cool thing about this robot is its miniature plastic models. You will get it from Ipong v300 amazon.

Ended up in improving your goal and allow to assure you that they are very effective. For beginners, the Ipong v300 table tennis training robot is the best as it benefits more for reputation at this point.


  • Robots for preparing without an accomplice.
  • Flexible spin settings: topspin and underspin
  • Holds up to 100 balls.
  • Appropriate accessories: 40mm and 40+ balls, iPong ball get net, iPong ball pickup net, iPong slant stand, iPong targets

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” heading_pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” heading_cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” ][i2pros]Lightweight, versatile, and simple to utilize
Not costly
Huge space and limit and holds up to 110 balls[/i2pros][i2cons]Not generally authentic with ball speed or arrangement
With higher spin settings, may fall off the table

5: Versatile Newgy Robo-Pong 1040+ Table Tennis Robots With A Bucket Extensor:

It could only be a dream robot if you sound like you don’t need all the clothes and whistles for your older brother then what does it lack! Robopong 1040 has no ball network and it is not programmable. Newgy Robo-Pong can be bought separately to update to 2050+. You can use it separately, due to its versatility newgy ping pong 1040 is amazingly simple to use on a plus side. Besides the much lower price, take it out of your box and connect, and began to play.

Newgy Robo-Pong 1040+ Table Tennis Robots

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Automatic table tennis ball launcher comes with a bucket extensor that gives it a power of 200 which is more than sufficient for an intensive 50 minutes work-out. The ball pays isolation another option set in the analog control box. This is the best robot to help you to take some difficult shots. It is easy to use and it also doesn’t have many characteristics but it is steel give in the price. Automatic ping pong ball server is one of the finest robots. Ping pong ball return machine is best to enhance the gaming skills,


  • Refreshed to deal with 40+ balls and Comes with 48 2 Star 40+ balls. Play ping-pong with Robo-Pong – without help from anyone else or with loved ones – to work on your game, get an extraordinary exercise, or for no particular reason
  • Accessible shot determination: push, cleave, serve, counter, Lob, quick circle
  • Fits all standard ping-pong tables, and is not difficult to set up, bring down, store and Transport
  • The Ball can with extender confine holds roughly 200 balls.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” heading_pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” heading_cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” ][i2pros]Accessible twists: topspin, reverse-pivot, left sidespin, right sidespin, blend turn
You can practice by yourself and you can practice the same shot over and over again.
It has both the fastest and slowest speed and isolation.
1- year guarantee[/i2pros][i2cons]It is durable but because of its short wire you can’t keep it where you want
You can backspin and topspin at one time, can’t do the two spins at the same time.
The balls can be dusty and cause damage to the units.[/i2cons][/i2pc]

6: Lightweight ZXMOTO Robot With Limits Of 110 Ball Capacity:

The ZXMOTO is a straightforward, lightweight, compact table tennis robot with an enormous scope of shots. It produces recurrence from 40 balls right to 70 balls each moment. You can handle topspin, underspin, left-or right-turn, or have no twist by any means. The head can be shifted up or down at 7 distinct points to create various levels of the skip.

Also, the swaying capacity has 8 distinctive ball situation alternatives, with various ball speed choices. Zxmoto table tennis robot has a capacity ball limit of 110 . This can change effortlessly with the wired controller.


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It’s is an excellent machine, with enough choices to permit you to rehearse practically any stroke, including serving returns. It weighs 7.7 pounds and is not difficult to utilize. This ping pong robot is perfect for training and has fun with your family, teams, and friends.

Zxmoto ping pong robot machine has three operating buttons that allow you to leave the ping pong table for better operation of the various function of the machine.


  • Attach on table
  • ZXMOTO come with recycling netballs
  • It has a wired remote control
  • There are 9 different spins and can spin in any direction.
  • Also, it has irregular random landing shots
  • These balls have a diameter of 40mm (1.57 inches)
  • Will set the ball container filled with ping pong and accommodate approximately 120 table tennis balls

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” heading_pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” heading_cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” ][i2pros]It has an adjustable jump ball that you can adjust according to your convenience which makes it a smarter choice to buy this product.
It has isolation frequency, 9 kinds of spins ball adjust the position of the rotating ball for practice
We can also adjust the angle of the head to meet our training needs
ZXMOTO ping pong allows you to better operational use the various functions of the machine.
Not difficult to use and set up
Authentic ping pong machine for practice[/i2pros][i2cons]All the instructions are given in Chinese.[/i2cons][/i2pc]

7: Power Pong 2001 Robot Endless Measurable Capacity:

More fundamental interpretation of our number no 1 table tennis robot (the Power Pong 5000) yet at a great deal lower cost! You can in any case make the complicated drills with an enormous measure of mixes of twists, situations and serves to give you an ultra-sensible preparing experience.

It has space for 22 unique drills with up to 5 distinct settings for the twist so exceptionally not as numerous as the endless measure of capacity that the 5000 has.

Like other excellent ping pong robots, it has an element that gathers the balls so you can play constantly in addition to it accompanies a net included which we love. The power pong 2001 table tennis robot shares the vast majority of specifications with the power pong 3001 and 5000.

It’s ready to make complicated preparing drills, trailed by a blend of balls with no spin, underspin, sidespin, and topspin mixes. It’s likewise upgradable to both the PP3001 and the power pong 5000 table tennis robot models at a reasonable cost.

Power Pong 2001 Robot

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The Power Pong 2001 can have a limit of 6 balls for each drill, contrasted with 8 balls for every drill for the Power Pong 3001 and 5000 models. There is additionally less memory space for saving drills with the Power Pong 2001.


  • Medium high-quality balls
  • It has a control box
  • Spin set going from 1-5 in power pong 2001
  • Drill sharing is not possible in power pong 2001
  • Can store up to 22 drill memory
  • 100 balls included
  • 3- year guarantee
  • Can generate no spin the ball
  • Have a random (RND) mode/settings to make the ball situation less mechanical.
  • Pre-customized drills are incorporated and can be changed
  • Accompany a ball reusing net for constant play.

[i2pc pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” show_title=”false” title=”Pros & Cons” show_button=”false” pros_title=”Pros” cons_title=”Cons” heading_pros_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-up” heading_cons_icon=”icon icon-thumbs-down” ][i2pros]Memory space for 22 drills
Accompanies a catch net
Long term guarantee
Accompanies 100 balls included
Accompanies pre-customized drills[/i2pros][i2cons]Can’t make group drills
No application like power pong 5000


Where ping pong was invented?

In the 19th century, ping pong was invented in England after the dinner diversion.

Where is ping pong most popular?

Ping pong is most popular in China for about 50 years.

How does a ping-pong robot work?

You can change the ball frequency, ball speed, and ball placement in the setting of the ping pong robot. It allows you to shoot the all in random sequences. 

Is a table tennis ball-throwing machine good?

It is the best way to improve your tennis game. You will be able to make several practices without the help of a coach.


I will highly recommend buying these Best Ping Pong Robots for your ease to practice without a partner. You’ll never regret your decision of buying these robots. Some are costly but few are less costly . But this will not disturb your budget. Because of its feature, great quality, and spin and throw you and all above -mentioned specifications and pros /cons, you get to know more about them. You would never regret buying this and, you get promising results.


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